Scientific Society of cadets and students
The department has a training club for cadets and students.
Main purposes:
- To develop personal, professionaly essential qualities of the future SES psychologists.
- Reinforcement of the obtained skills and knowledge in the modelated situations.
Main tasks:
- Cadets and students to become active members of the psychological training club.
- Cadets and students with the help of social and psychological department staff to develop training programs in the following fields:
- personal growth training programs;
- skills training programs;
- behavioral patterns optimization training programs;
- precautions of professional deformation training programs.
- Practice the developed training programs with the following analysis of the results.
- Development of the programs to raise the effectiveness of the training.
- Trainings in the «master-class» format with the practicing psychologists of SES, Ministry of internal affairs of Ukraine and other organizations dealing with the extreme situations.
- Development and application during studying the active imitational technologies, aimed to optimize skills and information obtained in the university framework considering the impossibility of practicing in the real situations.
- Writing the scolarships based on the results of the scientific research.